How to ask 50+ people for large checks

Be targeted, persistent, and professional

Last updated November 15, 2022 · Estimated Read Time: 3m 53s

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What do we mean by personal outreach?

Personal outreach is not BCC, not a social post, and not a group chat. It’s a 1:1 email, text message, or DM to someone you have a prior relationship with—whether that’s a friend of a friend, or your own family.

This can take a lot of time—but here’s why it’s worth it.

As a general rule, people are more likely to invest in your company if they see that many others have invested before them. But who will take that initial risk, before you have impressive traction on your campaign page?

Your warm contacts: friends, family, customers, community, early supporters, and even distant acquaintances—like friends of friends. Even if you don’t know them well, being on their radar as a warm contact counts for more than nothing.

Your goal is to send a sincere, targeted message to anyone you know personally who might be able to invest a small check ($500–$1000), medium check ($1000–$10,000), or large check ($10,000–$50,000+) in your company.

This step takes time—it might even take the most time out of all the subsequent steps. But when done right, you’ll start stacking initial, larger checks, and your momentum will compound for the rest of your campaign.

Step 1. Prepare to have follow-up phone calls

Expect that the people you ask for larger checks will want to meet with you to discuss the investment further.

Try to concentrate this period of outreach and stack those checks so you can hit 25% (or more) of your funding goal.

Step 2. Set a goal for your personal outreach