The Private Launch Phase

Get to 25% or more

Start collecting investments from your network—angel investors, friends and family, customers, and any early supporters who can help you reach over 25% of your funding goal.

Duration: 1-6 weeks

Private Launch.png

How do I start my Private Launch?

You’ve set up your campaign, secured your Lead Investor, and decided the terms of your Community Round. Congratulations!

Now it’s time to publish your campaign to your staunch supporters, who will help boost your campaign optics before you launch to the public on Wefunder.

To do that:

  1. Go to the Privacy tab of your company setup
  2. Under “Who should be able to see your campaign?”, toggle the option to “Only those with a direct link or a Wefunder VIP.”
  3. Click “Save & Finish →”

Now you’ve entered the Private Launch Phase.

What to do in Private Launch

Go the extra mile (optional)

Extra Resources